Is It Time to Move Closer to a Senior Loved One?

As we age, our physical and mental abilities decline. The aging process can be difficult for seniors, who, as the CDC notes, may feel isolated and alone. Fortunately, there are ways you can help make their lives easier. One of the most important things you can do is move closer to your loved ones so they can rely on you as they age. 

If they live in another state, it may be time to consider a move. Deciding when to move closer to a senior loved one is never easy, but you may need to do what’s best for them. To help ensure that the move is successful, read on for a few tips from Three Owl Communications.

Discuss Living Arrangements With Your Loved One

The first thing you need to do is talk with your loved one about their living options. If they cannot live independently, they may need in-home care or to move into an assisted living facility or a nursing home. This can be a difficult conversation, but it’s an important one to have. Human Good suggests making sure their new home meets their needs. Once you know their living situation, you can start planning for your move.

Also research products you can purchase to keep your loved one safe at home. Before purchasing any products for your senior loved one, you should first read in-depth product reviews and recommendations from unbiased sources. That way you can rest assured that what they’re using is high quality and will last a while.

Decide Whether to Rent or Buy

Before making the big move, you'll need to decide whether to buy a new home or rent an apartment. While buying a home may be the ideal option for many people, you do not have to put pressure on yourself. If buying a house is not an option for you, look for quality rental options in the area where you want to live. You can always check online listings (there are more than 1,300 apartments for rent in DC) to find a home that matches your budget and needs.

Create a Plan in Advance

Relocating to join your senior loved one might seem like an uphill task. However, you can make everything easier by planning in advance. If you run a business, for example, you'll need to think about the logistics of relocating your office weeks or even months before the big day. Additionally, you’ll need to know how to transfer an LLC to another state. A formation company can help you there. Lastly, notify your customers and vendors and possibly have a plan for remote work.

Declutter and Pack

The same goes for a household move. You'll need to declutter, then pack up and label all your belongings ahead of time so that you can focus on the actual process of moving when the day comes.

Contact Professionals

If you are unsure where to start, consider hiring a professional moving company. The right company will handle all the logistics of the move, from packing and transport to unpacking at your new home. You may also want to consider using the services of a real estate agent. They will help you find the perfect home within your budget and in the right location.

Relocate to Provide Local Support 

By following the steps above, you can make your move to care for aging family members relatively painless. Create a moving plan for yourself and your business, decide whether you want to rent or buy, and follow the other steps above.

(Written by Hal Salazar)


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